I&E Virtual Day of Action 2020

The I&E Virtual Day of Action is an opportunity for the California tobacco community, friends, and family to raise its voice against tobacco. To do this through social media, emails to our legislators, and through seven legislative caucus meetings.  Unlike the in-person Capitol event, the Virtual Day of Action will rely on social media and digital communications to let our policy makers know that while California has come a long way in the fight against tobacco, our most critical work lies ahead.

Social media messages and digital communication with policy makers will remind us all of the continuing fight against tobacco in California even in the face of COVID-19.  As we’ve been enveloped by the devastating impacts of the pandemic, the teen vaping epidemic continues. Tobacco industry targeting of children and communities of color goes unabated. The disease and death caused by tobacco and e-cigarettes persists. Now is the time to remind our constituencies, the public and policy makers that we cannot wait for action; it must happen now!

CA Legislative Black Caucus Meeting

As you may recall, the Legislative Black Caucus Meeting scheduled during the June 16 Virtual Day of Action was cancelled but we now have a new date for this meeting -- September 2nd from 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM! The Legislative Black Caucus meeting will be facilitated by AMPLIFY! and anyone interested in joining this

Community Organizing & Engagement Training Series: Fundamentals of Organizing Presentation

The California Tobacco Endgame Center for Organizing and Engagement was excited to kick-off our Community Organizing & Engagement Training Series with "Fundamentals of Organizing" on September 24, 2020. We had over 150 participants! If you have any questions about the presentation or technical assistance requests, please use the "Contact Us" above. Webinar Presentation: Community Organizing &

Community Organizing & Engagement Training Series: Building and Maintaining Effective Coalitions

The California Tobacco Endgame Center for Organizing and Engagement was excited to kick-off our Community Organizing & Engagement Training Series with “Building and Maintaining Effective Coalitions on October 22, 2020. We had over 140 participants! If you have any questions about the presentation or technical assistance requests, please use the “Contact Us” above. Presentation PowerPoint:

Community Organizing & Engagement Training Series: Midwest Academy Strategy Chart (MASC)

The California Tobacco Endgame Center for Organizing and Engagement was excited to hold our Community Organizing and Engagement Training on the Midwest Academy Strategy Chart! We had over 155 attendees! Presentation: Midwest Academy Strategy Chart (MASC) Training Nov 2020 (PowerPoint) Midwest Academy Strategy Chart (PDF): Midwest Academy Strategy Chart (Nov 2020) Midwest Academy Strategy Chart

Campaign Organizing and Leadership Institute, February 2021

Download Information Flyer     Go to Application About the Campaign Organizing and Leadership Institutes The Tobacco Endgame Center for Organizing and Engagement is pleased to announce a new opportunity for California Tobacco Control Program-funded project staff to engage in a unique campaign organizing and leadership development training. The Campaign Organizing and Leadership Institutes (The Institutes)

Community Townhall: Why Tobacco is a Social Justice Issue

About Information and Education Virtual Day of Action 2021 is scheduled for April 12 – 14, 2021. For those registered for the I&E Virtual Day of Action event please login with the information you receive the week of April 6. If you are not registered for/not attending the full I&E Virtual Day of Action event,

Information & Education Virtual Day of Action 2021


Raising Our Voices for Health Justice: California Communities Against Commercial Tobacco The Information and Education Virtual Day of Action 2021 is a series of events and activities designed to educate the legislature about the continuing and significant health impact of tobacco in communities across California, especially on those diverse and marginalized communities that the tobacco

Campaign Organizing and Leadership Institute, May 2021

Download Flyer     Go to Application About the Campaign Organizing and Leadership Institutes The Tobacco Endgame Center for Organizing and Engagement is pleased to announce the opening of the application process for the May 2021 Campaign Organizing and Leadership Institute, a unique campaign organizing and leadership development training for California Tobacco Control Program-funded project

Campaign Organizing and Leadership Institute, October 2021

Download Flyer     Go to Application About the Campaign Organizing and Leadership Institutes The Tobacco Endgame Center for Organizing and Engagement is pleased to announce the opening of the application process for the October 2021 Campaign Organizing and Leadership Institute, a unique campaign organizing and leadership development training for California Tobacco Control Program-funded project staff.

Campaign Organizing and Leadership Institute, February 2022

Download Flyer     Go to Application About the Campaign Organizing and Leadership Institutes The Institutes are designed to create a unique learning and interactive experience. The course work will inspire you to refine your organizing and leadership skills, both as an individual leader and an influencer of others – coalition members, colleagues, partners, and supporters.

Information and Education Virtual Days of Action 2022

About I&E Virtual Days of Action Information & Education Day is an annual event organized by the American Heart Association’s Tobacco Endgame Center for Organizing and Engagement to raise our voices against tobacco by educating the California Legislature about the impact tobacco has on our communities, our state. Ordinarily, I&E Day is a one day

Campaign Organizing and Leadership Institutes, November 2022 and February 2023

The Institutes are designed to create a unique learning and interactive experience. The course work will inspire you to refine your organizing and leadership skills, both as an individual leader and an influencer of others – coalition members, colleagues, partners, and supporters. You will be motivated to actively share your training experience and become empowered to teach, coach, and lead others in the California movement to end commercial tobacco.

Information and Education Days 2023

Holiday Inn Sacramento Downtown - Arena 300 J Street, Sacramento, CA, United States

Information & Education Days (I&E Days) is an annual event organized by the American Heart Association’s Tobacco Endgame Center for Organizing and Engagement to educate the California Legislature about the impact tobacco has on our communities, and the local efforts being carried out to address them.

Campaign Organizing and Leadership Institute November 7-8, 2023

The Institutes are designed to create a unique learning and interactive experience. The course work will inspire you to refine your organizing and leadership skills, both as an individual leader and an influencer of others – coalition members, colleagues, partners, and supporters. You will be motivated to actively share your training experience and become empowered to teach, coach, and lead others in the California movement to end commercial tobacco.

Campaign Organizing and Leadership Institute February 6-7, 2024

The Institutes are designed to create a unique learning and interactive experience. The course work will inspire you to refine your organizing and leadership skills, both as an individual leader and an influencer of others – coalition members, colleagues, partners, and supporters. You will be motivated to actively share your training experience and become empowered to teach, coach, and lead others in the California movement to end the commercial tobacco epidemic.

Campaign Organizing and Leadership Institutes, November 19-20, 2024

About the Campaign Organizing and Leadership Institutes The Institutes are designed to create a unique learning and interactive experience. The course work will inspire you to refine your organizing and leadership skills, both as an individual leader and an influencer of others – coalition members, colleagues, partners, and supporters. You will be motivated to actively