I&E Virtual Day of Action 2020
The I&E Virtual Day of Action is an opportunity for the California tobacco community, friends, and family to raise its voice against tobacco. To do this through social media, emails to our legislators, and through seven legislative caucus meetings. Unlike the in-person Capitol event, the Virtual Day of Action will rely on social media and digital communications to let our policy makers know that while California has come a long way in the fight against tobacco, our most critical work lies ahead.
Social media messages and digital communication with policy makers will remind us all of the continuing fight against tobacco in California even in the face of COVID-19. As we’ve been enveloped by the devastating impacts of the pandemic, the teen vaping epidemic continues. Tobacco industry targeting of children and communities of color goes unabated. The disease and death caused by tobacco and e-cigarettes persists. Now is the time to remind our constituencies, the public and policy makers that we cannot wait for action; it must happen now!