Stand in Faith Against Tobacco

Bible study group

Stand in Faith Against Tobacco

Big Tobacco targets and harms our communities. In fact, tobacco is the number one cause of preventable death and disease.1 It’s time faith communities stand together against the tobacco industry. You and your faith-based group can take a leadership role by getting involved and continuing the fight against the tobacco industry.

Learn More and Get Involved!

Help make a difference! We will share your information ONLY with your local community’s tobacco control prevention program. They will notify you about opportunities for getting involved; it’s up to you how much you want to engage!

Women supporting each other
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How Can You Help Your Community?

Family in place of worship

Create Strong Policies

Places of worship are often the hub and heart of communities. However, most religious organizations do not have strong policies on tobacco.2

Young woman thinking

Encourage Spiritual & Physical Wellness

Churches, synagogues, temples, mosques, and other houses of worship are natural centers for spiritual, emotional, and physical wellness.1 Encourage your faith group to be free of harmful tobacco.

Group support photo

Help People Quit

People of faith play an important role in improving the health outcomes of the overall community by reversing tobacco addiction.3 Compassionately help those with addiction.

  1. “Faith-Based Organizations (FBOs).” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 1 Mar. 2021, [↩] [↩]
  2. Crosby, M H. “Religious challenge by shareholder actions: changing the behaviour of tobacco companies and their allies.” BMJ (Clinical research ed.) vol. 321,7257 (2000): 375-7. doi:10.1136/bmj.321.7257.375 [↩]
  3. “No Menthol Sunday.” NMS 2021, [↩]