Senate District Legislative Meeting Schedule

There may be changes to schedule.  Scheduling changes will be updated here.

SD Senator Location Time Contact
SD01 Dahle, Brian conference room 7400 10:00 am Meeting with staff, Taylor Brown.

(916) 651-4001

SD02 McGuire  Room 8010. 3:00 pm Please have one person check-in to room 8518. The office will call Marjorie to open the conference room.

(916) 651-4002

SD03 Dodd Room 7610 10:00 am Meeting with staff, Charles Born.

(916) 651-4003

SD04 Alvarado-Gil Room 7240 1:00 pm Meeting with staff, Mike Sharif.

(916) 651-4004

SD05 Eggman Room 8530 12:45 pm Meeting with staff, Anna Billy.

(916) 651-4005

SD06 Niello Room 7110 10:30 am Check in with Herring, Brianne.

(916) 651-4006

SD07 Glazer Room 7520 11:30 am Meeting with staff, Ivona Smith.

(916) 651-4007

SD08 Ashby Room 7320 11:00 am Meeting with staff, Bhawan Cheema.

(916) 651-4008

SD09 Skinner Room 8630 3:30 pm Meeting with staff, Jessica Uzarks.

(916) 651-4009

SD10 Wahab Room 7330 11:00 am Meeting with staff, Carson Knight.

(916) 651-4010

SD11 Wiener Room 8620 10:00 am Meeting with staff, Rubie Gonzalez-Parra.

(916) 651-4011

SD12 Grove Room 7150 2:30 pm Meeting with staff, Taylor Bartucca.

(916) 651-4012

SD13 Becker Room 7250 11:30 am Meeting is with staff, Nicholas Goldberg.

(916) 651-4013

SD14 Caballero Room 7620 10:00 am Meeting with staff, Jose Ruiz-Benites.

(916) 651-4014

SD15 Cortese Room 6630 1:00 pm Meeting with staff, Lauren Winn.

(916) 651-4015

SD16 Hurtado Room 7310 11:30 am Meeting with staff, Carmen Ayon.

(916) 651-4016

SD17 Laird Room 8720 11:00 am Meeting with staff, Paige Szabadi.

(916) 651-4017

SD18 Padilla Room 6640 2:00 pm Meeting with staff, Emily Zhou.

(916) 651-4018

SD19 Limón Room 6510 10:00 am Meeting with staff, Isabella Martinez.

(916) 651-4019

SD20 Menjivar Room 6720 2:00 pm Meeting with staff, Jessica Golly.

(916) 651-4020

SD21 Wilk Room 7140 1:00 pm Meeting with staff, Gavin Bleha.

(916) 651-4021

SD22 Rubio, Susan Room 8710 1:30 pm Meeting is with the Member. Staff contact is Leilani Lim.

(916) 651-4022

SD23 Ochoa Bogh Room 7220 10:00 am Meeting with staff, Tanya Vandrick.


(916) 651-4023

SD24 Allen Room 6610 1:00 pm Meeting with staff, Aiyana Cortez.

916) 651-4024

SD25 Portantino Room 7630 2:00 pm Meeting is with the Member. Staff contact is Jalene Romo.

(916) 651-4025

SD26 Durazo Room 7530 11:00 am Meeting with staff, Fernando Ramirez.

(916) 651-4026

SD27 Stern Room 7710 1:30 pm Meeting is with staff, Ayeree Pipersburg.

(916) 651-4027

SD28 Smallwood-Cuevas Room 6730 12:30 pm Meeting with staff, Jasmine Prasad.

(916) 651-4028

SD30 Archuleta Room 6620 2:00 pm Meeting with staff, Andrew Aldama.

(916) 651-4030

SD32 Seyarto Room 7120 10:00 am Meeting with staff, Nicolas Gauthier.

(916) 651-4032

SD33 Gonzalez Room 7720 1:00 pm Meeting with staff, Caila Pedroncelli.

(916) 651-4033

SD34 Umberg Room 6530 11:00 am Meeting with staff, Walker Hershey.

(916) 651-4034

SD35 Bradford Room 7210 11:00 am Meeting is with the Member. Staff contact is Vincent Huynh.

(916) 651-4035

SD36 Nguyen, Janet Room 7130 11:30 am Meeting with staff, Jennifer Thurman.

(916) 651-4036

SD37 Min Room 6710 10:00 am Meeting with staff, Brett Hailey.

(916) 651-4037

SD38 Blakespear Room 7340 11:00 am Meeting with staff, Tanay Nunna.

(916) 651-4038

SD39 Atkins Room 8610 11:00 am Meeting with staff, George Wiley.

(916) 651-4039

SD40 Jones Room 7640 3:00 pm Meeting with staff, John McHale.

(916) 651-4040