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Circles of Influence is a key tool in completing the Midwest Academy Strategy Chart (MASC). This tool will determine how a coalition can use its network and relationships to connect with and influence a decision maker (DM). Use the Circles of Influence (COI) tool to identify your allies and constituents to measure their level of influence in relation to you and the DMs.
You can download and complete this template!
A full instructional document can be found in our Resources section and a webinar on the COI under Past Events.
Need help? Submit a request for assistance through our Community Engagement Support Gateway on our website.
Circles of Influence Worksheet
Circles of Influence is a key tool in completing the Midwest Academy Strategy Chart (MASC). This tool will determine how a coalition can use its network and relationships to connect with and influence a decision maker (DM). Use the Circles of Influence (COI) tool to identify your allies and constituents to measure their level of influence in relation to you and the DMs.
You can download and complete this template!
A full instructional document can be found in our Resources section and a webinar on the COI under Past Events.
Need help? Submit a request for assistance through our Community Engagement Support Gateway on our website.