About the Event (6/16/20)
The I&E Virtual Day of Action is an opportunity for the California tobacco community, friends, and family to raise its voice against tobacco. To do this through social media, emails to our legislators, and through seven legislative caucus meetings. Unlike the in-person Capitol event, the Virtual Day of Action will rely on social media and digital communications to let our policy makers know that while California has come a long way in the fight against tobacco, our most critical work lies ahead.
Social media messages and digital communication with policy makers will remind us all of the continuing fight against tobacco in California even in the face of COVID-19. As we’ve been enveloped by the devastating impacts of the pandemic, the teen vaping epidemic continues. Tobacco industry targeting of children and communities of color goes unabated. The disease and death caused by tobacco and e-cigarettes persists. Now is the time to remind our constituencies, the public and policy makers that we cannot wait for action; it must happen now!
Download the Guide to Virtual Day of Action or go to our Event Materials page to get prepared!
The Day of Action will mirror, in a virtual way, the key elements of Capitol I & E Day – we’ll come together as a community through a Zoom call in the morning, hear from tobacco control leaders and policy makers, do tips and reminders about messaging, using social media for maximum impact and then send everyone out into the world to engage – virtually. We’ll come back together in the afternoon to recap and share stories. Below is a draft schedule of the day’s activities:
- 9:00 AM – 10:45 AM: Morning/Kickoff Zoom Meeting
- 11:00 AM – 3:00 PM: Caucus Meetings,
- 3:30 PM: Afternoon/Reconvene Zoom Meeting
Event and Caucus Meetings Registrations
- Please register for the Morning/Kickoff Zoom Meeting . Participation is required for attendance of the Caucus Meetings.
- You can register for Caucus Meetings
- You must complete a media consent form which can be found online .
Social Media
Get visible – post messages, photos, videos, pictures your kids created – anything that will demonstrate to our policy makers the strength of the California tobacco control community and that action is needed now to fight tobacco in our state! Visit the I&E Virtual Day of Action Event Materials Page page for social media messaging and resources.
Emailing Your Legislator
Even though we’re not meeting in person or virtually with our legislators, we are encouraging everyone to email their legislator with our key messages. Go to the I&E Virtual Day of Action Event Materials Page page for instructions for emailing your legislator.
Download the Guide to Virtual Day of Action or go to our Event Materials page to get prepared!
Join Us. Act. Be Heard. We Look Forward to Sharing This Special Day With You!
*Participation in this virtual Information and Education Day can replace participation requirements for the cancelled (due to COVID-19) April 14, 2020 Capitol Information and Education Day. Funded projects are encouraged to share this Save The Date with coalition members as well. At this time, due to the flexibility of virtual events, there are no limits to attendance or participation; therefore, this is a great opportunity to engage as many interested people as you can in this event!