hidden Big Tobacco Hurts California Workers

Big Tobacco Hurts California Workers

...Health 95, 398–404 (2005). https://playbook.heart.org/collaborate-with-unions/ [↩] Ocean Conservatory. Building a Clean Swell. 2018 Report. https://tobaccofreeca.com/secondhand-smoke/ca-first-to-make-most-workplaces-smoke-free/ [↩] California, State of. “Tracking COVID-19 in California.” Coronavirus COVID-19 Response, covid19.ca.gov/state-dashboard/ [↩] https://www.trdrp.org/files/cost-smoking-ca-final-report.pdf [↩]...

hidden Stand in Faith Against Tobacco

Stand in Faith Against Tobacco

...challenge by shareholder actions: changing the behaviour of tobacco companies and their allies.” BMJ (Clinical research ed.) vol. 321,7257 (2000): 375-7. doi:10.1136/bmj.321.7257.375 [↩] “No Menthol Sunday.” NMS 2021, www.nomentholsunday.org/. [↩]...