
The Tobacco Endgame Center provides tools and resources to help you strengthen your campaign. These tools will help with your community organizing and engagement. Resources available here range from the Midwest Academy Strategy Charts to fact sheets and training webinars. Therefore, you can find what you need to help engage your community in policy and organizing campaigns focused on ending tobacco use in California.

Click on any of the categories listed below to access their resources.

Case Studies and Success Stories

hidden Bilingual Campaign Engages Latino Community to Pass Smokefree MUH Policy in City of Riverside

Bilingual Campaign Engages Latino Community to Pass Smokefree MUH Policy in City of Riverside

Community organizers engaged residents of Riverside, a Latino-majority city of 330,000, to create a bilingual multi-unit housing (MUH) campaign that resulted in the passage of a 2022 policy requiring all apartment complexes in Riverside to be smokefree.

hidden Day One’s Sierra Madre Success Story

Day One’s Sierra Madre Success Story

A campaign led by Day One, an organization working to
improve community health and economic justice,
successfully engaged residents of Sierra Madre to build
support for the passage of a policy prohibiting smoking
in Multi-Unit Housing (MUH)- in the City of Sierra

Community Engagement and Organizing

Media Advocacy