
Post-Event Content

For use April 15-20, 2021
By continuing to share messages after the event has concluded we will keep the momentum going. We can build upon the excitement of VDOA and ensure that actions are taken and our communities of supporters grow stronger.

To use these Facebook posts:
You can use the images we’ve provided (to download, right click the image, and select “Save image as”), or you can pick your own image. Upload the image to your post, click “Publish”, and that’s it!

Make sure to include the #VoicesAgainstTobacco and #VoicesForHealthJustice hashtags so we can interact with your posts.

A group of people raising their fists in the air. Text reads Join Us!Facebook Post 1
We joined other California communities against commercial tobacco to raise our voices for health justice. The event may be over, but we are just getting started. Join us to stop Big Tobacco from targeting our communities! (INSERT YOUR CALL-TO-ACTION LINK) #VoicesAgainstTobacco #VoicesForHealthJustice

An image of the state of California with illustrated diverse hands raised in the background. Text reads: Make Health Justice a PriorityFacebook Post 2
Make it a state priority in 2021 to ensure that every Californian has an equal opportunity to achieve and maintain health and wellness, especially as it relates to tobacco’s impact on health justice in our communities. Join us by (INSERT A CALL-TO-ACTION. Ex. Join a mailing list, volunteer, etc.) #VoicesAgainstTobacco #VoicesForHealthJustice

To use these Twitter posts:

  1. Copy text and place in tweet.
  2. Right-click the accompanying graphic and select “save image as” to save it to your computer.
  3. Upload graphic to Twitter as part of your tweet.
  4. If this is a message thread, hit the plus sign to add additional messages.
  5. Make sure to include the hashtag #VoicesAgainstTobacco.
  6. When you’re done, hit Tweet or Tweet All.

Twitter Post 1
Make it a 2021 CA priority to ensure every Californian has an equal opportunity to achieve and maintain health & wellness, especially as it relates to tobacco’s impact on health justice in our communities. @LegislatureHandle, join us (INSERT A CALL-TO-ACTION LINK. Ex. Join a mailing list, volunteer, etc.) #VoicesAgainstTobacco #VoicesForHealthJustice

Twitter Post 2
We joined other CA communities against commercial tobacco to raise our voices for health justice. The event may be over, but we are just getting started. Join us to stop Big Tobacco from targeting our communities! (INSERT YOUR CALL-TO-ACTION LINK) #VoicesAgainstTobacco #VoicesForHealthJustice

Twitter Post 3
Join us in cheering 👏 on @LegislatorHandle for their contributions to the fight for health justice and the health of CA communities over the commercial tobacco industry. #VoicesAgainstTobacco #VoicesForHealthJustice

Twitter Post 4
Thank you @LegislatorHandle for fighting for health justice in our CA communities by standing up to the commercial tobacco industry! #VoicesAgainstTobacco #VoicesForHealthJustice

*Do not use a photo from Zoom meeting unless you have been given permission to share.

Twitter Post 5
Thank you @LegislatorHandle for taking the time to join our Virtual Day of Action and learning how you can help fight for health justice alongside our community. #VoicesAgainstTobacco #VoicesForHealthJustice

To use these Instagram posts:

  1. Save the images to your computer or phone by right clicking the image and selecting “Save image as” (on desktop) or “Add to Photos” (on your phone.)
  2. Copy the caption we have provided. Feel free to use exactly what we wrote or customize your message. Make sure to use the hashtag #VoicesAgainstTobacco so we can interact with your post.
  3. In Instagram, tap the “+” button to create a new post.
  4. Choose the photo(s) you have saved.
  5. Click Next to add a filter or edit the photo and hit Next once again.
  6. On this screen you can tap in the caption box and paste the selected caption. (Feel free to tag @CATobaccoCenter in your photo.)
  7. Click “Share” to make it live!

An image of the state of California with illustrated diverse hands raised in the background. Text reads: Make Health Justice a PriorityInstagram Post 1
Make it a state priority in 2021 to ensure that every Californian has an equal opportunity to achieve and maintain health and wellness, especially as it relates to tobacco’s impact on health justice in our communities. Join us by (INSERT A CALL-TO-ACTION. Ex. Join a mailing list, volunteer, etc. by clicking the link in our bio) #VoicesAgainstTobacco #VoicesForHealthJustice

A group of people raising their fists in the air. Text reads Join Us!Instagram Post 2
We joined other California communities against commercial tobacco to raise our voices for health justice. The event may be over, but we are just getting started. Join us to stop Big Tobacco from targeting our communities! (INSERT YOUR CALL-TO-ACTION – Ex. Sign up to volunteer with us, click the link in our bio) #VoicesAgainstTobacco #VoicesForHealthJustice

During Event Messaging

During the event we will rally together to create momentum for our movement using the #VoicesAgainstTobacco and #VoicesforHealthJustice hashtags.

  • A virtual social media wall will be live on our website here displaying messages from any public social media accounts using the #VoicesAgainstTobacco and #VoicesforHealthJustice hashtags.
  • Monitoring the event hashtag and engaging in conversation with other accounts will show solidarity, community, and amplify our voices.
  • Below are pre-created messages that you can share but we strongly encourage all participants to engage during the event by posting their own updates, interesting facts learned during the event, photos, and by retweeting others.
  • Social media blitz times: We are going to create a storm on social media by all posting together at a few times each day!
    • April 12 (Day 1) – Post at 7:20 PM
    • April 13 (Day 2) – Post at 10:30 AM & 3:45 PM
    • April 14 (Day 3) – Post at 9 AM, 10:30 AM, 3:45 PM
To use these Facebook posts:
You can use the images we’ve provided (to download, right click the image, and select “Save image as”), or you can pick your own image. Upload the image to your post, click “Publish”, and that’s it!

Make sure to include the #VoicesAgainstTobacco and #VoicesForHealthJustice hashtags so we can interact with your posts.

An outline of the state of California with the state flag covered in a haze of cigarette smoke.Facebook Post 1
Tobacco use remains the leading cause of death and disease in California; an estimated 40,000 adults die each year due to smoking. It doesn’t need to stay that way. By working together CA communities can fight the commercial tobacco industry to build a healthier CA for all! #VoicesAgainstTobacco #VoicesForHealthJustice

Black and white collage featuring portraits of people who are African American, Asian, LGBTQ, Native American and living in a rural area. The text reads Big Tobacco: STOP TARGETING US.Facebook Post 2
The tobacco industry targets California’s African American, Latino, Asian American Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander, LGBTQ+, Tribal and rural communities, resulting in higher rates of commercial tobacco product use and tobacco-related disease. Let’s work together to stop this now. Join us to demand health justice! #VoicesAgainstTobacco #VoicesForHealthJustice

Percentage of African-American Smokers Who Use Menthols. Image of a bar graph showing in 1953 5% of African-American smokers used menthols, in 1968 it increased to 14%, in 1976 the number had increased to 42% and by the 2000s the number had soared above 80%. Source: BlackLivesBlackLungs.comFacebook Post 3
The tobacco industry blocked the law that would have ended the sale of flavored and menthol tobacco products in California. Instead, communities continue to be targeted by an industry intent on profiting off addiction and the death and disease they create. Join community members across CA, lend your voice to stand up to commercial tobacco. #VoicesAgainstTobacco #VoicesForHealthJustice

An image of the state of California with illustrated diverse hands raised in the background. Text reads: Make Health Justice a PriorityFacebook Post 4
Make it a state priority in 2021 to ensure that every Californian has an equal opportunity to achieve and maintain health and wellness, especially as it relates to tobacco’s impact on health justice in our communities. #VoicesAgainstTobacco #VoicesForHealthJustice

Blurred images from vape companies offering gimmicks of free hand sanitizer, masks or toilet paper with purchase. Text reads: Stanford Medicine: Vaping linked to substantially increased COVID-19 risk in teens and young adults. An arrow points to the next sentence. Tobacco companies: Exploit the pandemic and promote gimmicks to increase salesFacebook Post 5
The tobacco industry has continued to aggressively market its dangerous products to diverse communities during the COVID-19 pandemic. Join us to stop Big Tobacco from targeting our communities! #VoicesAgainstTobacco #VoicesForHealthJustice

Image of a wolf's eyes behind a rainbow cloud of smoke. Text reads: monster [mon - ster] noun, Someone who masquerades as an ally but instead exploits your community. Example: The commercial tobacco industry.Facebook Post 6
Tobacco companies were among the first to “support” LGBTQ communities—but they were never allies. They sought to demonstrate their allegiance by advertising in LGBTQ publications and sponsoring community and pride events. They exploit any feelings of isolation and despair this community experiences by promoting smoking as a way to bond with one another and relieve stress.

Image of a gay pride parade covered in a haze of rainbow smoke. Text reads: Clear the air. LGBTQ communities don't need Big Tobacco to keep it's pride.Facebook Post 7
The overall tobacco use rate for LGBTQ populations is still high at 24%. https://tobaccofreeca.com/story-of-inequity/lgbtq/ #VoicesAgainstTobacco #VoicesForHealthJustice

To use these Twitter posts:

  1. Copy text and place in tweet.
  2. Right-click the accompanying graphic and select “save image as” to save it to your computer.
  3. Upload graphic to Twitter as part of your tweet.
  4. If this is a message thread, hit the plus sign to add additional messages.
  5. Make sure to include the hashtag #VoicesAgainstTobacco.
  6. When you’re done, hit Tweet or Tweet All.

Twitter Post 1
Health justice means bringing communities to the table, so everyone’s voices are heard & people from all walks of life achieve the health they deserve.

We’re standing up to the commercial Tobacco Industry to save lives. Will you join? #VoicesAgainstTobacco #VoicesForHealthJustice

Twitter Post 2
Tobacco use remains the leading cause of death in California; an estimated 40,000 adults die each year due to smoking. #VoicesAgainstTobacco #VoicesForHealthJustice
State of California covered in cigarette smoke

Twitter Post 3
In California, 20.7% of African American adults smoke cigarettes compared to 12.4% of California adults overall. via @CAPublicHealth #VoicesAgainstTobacco #VoicesForHealthJustice

Twitter Post 4
Communities with a greater proportion of African Americans have a greater density of tobacco retailers & see more tobacco advertising than other neighborhoods. @CDCgov


Join CA communities fighting for health justice. #VoicesAgainstTobacco #VoicesForHealthJustice

Twitter Post 5
Message 1
Big Tobacco aggressively markets cigarettes and smokeless tobacco products, like chew, in rural areas, taking advantage of weaker tobacco retail licensing laws in rural communities. #VoicesAgainstTobacco #VoicesForHealthJustice

Message 2
Rural adults’ use of any tobacco product is significantly higher (25.6%) than the California general population (14.6%) and rural residents start smoking at an earlier age. #VoicesAgainstTobacco #VoicesForHealthJustice

Message 3
In a survey of rural and small-town Californians, over 85% felt that secondhand smoke was harmful & 70% were in favor of policies prohibiting smoking at outdoor events such as rodeos & fairs. #VoicesAgainstTobacco #VoicesForHealthJustice https://nnphi.org/resource/ruraltobacco/ via @NNPHI_ORG

Message 4
Local smoke free outdoor air laws can protect rural Californians from the secondhand smoke they want to avoid. #VoicesAgainstTobacco #VoicesForHealthJustice

Twitter Post 6
Message 1
American Indians & Alaska Natives (AI/AN) have the highest current cigarette smoking rates of all other racial/ethnic groups in the U.S. In 2014, 29.2% of AI/AN adults in the U.S. smoked cigarettes, compared w/ 16.8% of all U.S. adults #VoicesAgainstTobacco #VoicesForHealthJustice

Message 2
For years the tobacco industry has strategically targeted AI/ANs and suggested a link between traditional and commercial tobacco…

Message 3
by funding cultural events like powwows and rodeos, and by using the imagery of traditional American Indians to promote brands like Natural American Spirit, Seneca, Cheyenne, and Smokin Joes. #VoicesAgainstTobacco #VoicesForHealthJustice

Twitter Post 7
Image of a wolf's eyes behind a rainbow cloud of smoke. Text reads: monster [mon - ster] noun, Someone who masquerades as an ally but instead exploits your community. Example: The commercial tobacco industry.
Message 1
Tobacco companies were among the first to “support” LGBTQ communities—but they were never allies. #VoicesAgainstTobacco #VoicesForHealthJustice

Message 2
They sought to demonstrate their allegiance by advertising in LGBTQ publications and sponsoring community and pride events. https://tobaccofreeca.com/story-of-inequity/lgbtq/ #VoicesAgainstTobacco #VoicesForHealthJustice

Message 3
They exploit any feelings of isolation and despair this community experiences by promoting smoking as a way to bond with one another and relieve stress. #VoicesAgainstTobacco #VoicesForHealthJustice

Message 4
The overall tobacco use rate for LGBTQ populations is still high at 24%. #VoicesAgainstTobacco #VoicesForHealthJustice

Twitter Post 8
Billboards & stores in predominantly urban AAPI communities have been found to have more tobacco advertising compared w/ other urban neighborhoods, and less likely to have health warnings compared w/ predominantly white neighborhoods. #VoicesAgainstTobacco https://truthinitiative.org/research-resources/targeted-communities/tobacco-use-asian-american-community

To use these Instagram posts:

  1. Save the images to your computer or phone by right clicking the image and selecting “Save image as” (on desktop) or “Add to Photos” (on your phone.)
  2. Copy the caption we have provided. Feel free to use exactly what we wrote or customize your message. Make sure to use the hashtag #VoicesAgainstTobacco so we can interact with your post.
  3. In Instagram, tap the “+” button to create a new post.
  4. Choose the photo(s) you have saved.
  5. Click Next to add a filter or edit the photo and hit Next once again.
  6. On this screen you can tap in the caption box and paste the selected caption. (Feel free to tag @CATobaccoCenter in your photo.)
  7. Click “Share” to make it live!

An outline of the state of California with the state flag covered in a haze of cigarette smoke.Instagram Post 1
Tobacco use remains the leading cause of death and disease in California; an estimated 40,000 adults die each year due to smoking. It doesn’t need to stay that way. By working together CA communities can fight commercial tobacco to build a healthier CA for all! #VoicesAgainstTobacco #VoicesForHealthJustice

Black and white collage featuring portraits of people who are African American, Asian, LGBTQ, Native American and living in a rural area. The text reads Big Tobacco: STOP TARGETING US.Instagram Post 2
The tobacco industry targets California’s African American, Latino, Asian American Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander, LGBTQ+, Tribal and rural communities, resulting in higher rates of commercial tobacco product use and tobacco-related disease. Let’s stop this now. Join us to demand health justice! #VoicesAgainstTobacco #VoicesForHealthJustice

Percentage of African-American Smokers Who Use Menthols. Image of a bar graph showing in 1953 5% of African-American smokers used menthols, in 1968 it increased to 14%, in 1976 the number had increased to 42% and by the 2000s the number had soared above 80%. Source: BlackLivesBlackLungs.comInstagram Post 3
The tobacco industry blocked the law that would have ended the sale of flavored and menthol tobacco products in California. Instead, communities continue to be targeted by an industry intent on profiting off addiction and the death and disease they create. Join community members across CA, lend your voice to stand up to commercial tobacco. #VoicesAgainstTobacco #VoicesForHealthJustice

An image of the state of California with illustrated diverse hands raised in the background. Text reads: Make Health Justice a PriorityInstagram Post 4
Make it a state priority in 2021 to ensure that every Californian has an equal opportunity to achieve and maintain health and wellness, especially as it relates to tobacco’s impact on health justice in our communities. #VoicesAgainstTobacco #VoicesForHealthJustice

Blurred images from vape companies offering gimmicks of free hand sanitizer, masks or toilet paper with purchase. Text reads: Stanford Medicine: Vaping linked to substantially increased COVID-19 risk in teens and young adults. An arrow points to the next sentence. Tobacco companies: Exploit the pandemic and promote gimmicks to increase salesInstagram Post 5
The tobacco industry has continued to aggressively market its dangerous products to diverse communities during the COVID-19 pandemic, on social media, in print, and at the retail counter. Join us to stop Big Tobacco from targeting our communities! #VoicesAgainstTobacco #VoicesForHealthJustice

Image of a wolf's eyes behind a rainbow cloud of smoke. Text reads: monster [mon - ster] noun, Someone who masquerades as an ally but instead exploits your community. Example: The commercial tobacco industry.Instagram Post 6
Tobacco companies were among the first to “support” LGBTQ communities—but they were never allies. They sought to demonstrate their allegiance by advertising in LGBTQ publications and sponsoring community and pride events. They exploit any feelings of isolation and despair this community experiences by promoting smoking as a way to bond with one another and relieve stress.

Pre Event Messaging

For use March 28 – April 11, 2021 to promote the event and collectively build awareness and anticipation.

To use these Facebook posts:
You can use the images we’ve provided (to download, right click the image, and select “Save image as”), or you can pick your own image. Upload the image to your post, click “Publish”, and that’s it!

Make sure to include the #VoicesAgainstTobacco and #VoicesForHealthJustice hashtags so we can interact with your posts.

People having a zoom call.Facebook Post 1

If you were not able to pre-register for the Community Townhall Zoom event you can join us LIVE April 12 at 6:00 p.m. PST to find out why tobacco is a social justice issue. #VoicesAgainstTobacco #VoicesForHealthJustice

A group of people wearing masks with their fists raised in the air.Facebook Post 2

The tobacco industry targets California’s African American, Latino, Asian American, Native Hawaiian, Pacific Islander, LGBTQ+, Tribal and rural communities, resulting in higher rates of commercial tobacco product use and tobacco-related disease. Does this sound like health justice? If not, join us in raising your voice for health justice! #VoicesAgainstTobacco #VoicesForHealthJustice

Facebook Post 3

April 12 – 14 we’re joining the @CATobaccoEndgameCenterforOrganizingandEngagement to raise our voices for health justice. Tobacco use remains the leading cause of death and disease in California. Are you ready to save lives? Join CA communities against commercial tobacco. #VoicesAgainstTobacco #VoicesForHealthJustice

A woman smiling and holding up a megaphone. Text reads: Join Us!

To use these Twitter posts:

  1. Copy text and place in tweet.
  2. Right-click the accompanying graphic and select “save image as” to save it to your computer.
  3. Upload graphic to Twitter as part of your tweet.
  4. If this is a message thread, hit the plus sign to add additional messages.
  5. Make sure to include the hashtag #VoicesAgainstTobacco.
  6. When you’re done, hit Tweet or Tweet All.

Twitter Post 1

If you missed registration for the Community Townhall you can still watch LIVE April 12 at 6:00 p.m. PST to find out why tobacco is a social justice issue. #VoicesAgainstTobacco #VoicesForHealthJustice

Twitter Post 2

April 12 – 14 we’re joining @CATobaccoCenter to raise our voices for health justice. Tobacco use remains the leading cause of death & disease in California. Save lives – join CA communities against commercial tobacco! #VoicesAgainstTobacco #VoicesForHealthJustice

Twitter Post 3

The tobacco industry has continued to aggressively market its dangerous products to marginalized communities during the COVID-19 pandemic, on social media, in print, and at the retail counter. Join CA communities in the fight for health justice. #VoicesAgainstTobacco #VoicesForHealthJustice

Convenience store shelves stocked with cigarettes. Copyright 2018 California Department of Public Health

Convenience store shelves stocked with cigarettes. Copyright 2018 California Department of Public Health

Twitter Post 4

Message 1
The tobacco industry targets California’s African American, Latino, Asian American, Native Hawaiian, Pacific Islander, LGBTQ+, Tribal and rural communities, resulting in higher rates of commercial tobacco product use and tobacco-related disease. #VoicesAgainstTobacco #VoicesForHealthJustice

Message 2
Does this sound like health justice? Raise your voice for health justice! #VoicesAgainstTobacco #VoicesForHealthJustice

Twitter Post 5

.@LegislatorHandle, will you be joining us and communities across California April 12-14 to stand up for health justice? #VoicesAgainstTobacco #VoicesForHealthJustice

Twitter Post 6

Tobacco use remains the leading cause of death and disease in California. @LegislatorHandle join us in saving lives! #VoicesAgainstTobacco #VoicesForHealthJustice

Twitter Post 7

.@LegislatorHandle we would love you to join us & other CA community members April 12 at 6 p.m. PST for a Community Townhall to find out why tobacco is a social justice issue.

Watch LIVE on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/events/2982761728621074

More info https://organizingtoendtobacco.org/ #VoicesAgainstTobacco #VoicesForHealthJustice

To use these Instagram posts:

  1. Save the images to your computer or phone by right clicking the image and selecting “Save image as” (on desktop) or “Add to Photos” (on your phone.)
  2. Copy the caption we have provided. Feel free to use exactly what we wrote or customize your message. Make sure to use the hashtag #VoicesAgainstTobacco so we can interact with your post.
  3. In Instagram, tap the “+” button to create a new post.
  4. Choose the photo(s) you have saved.
  5. Click Next to add a filter or edit the photo and hit Next once again.
  6. On this screen you can tap in the caption box and paste the selected caption. (Feel free to tag @CATobaccoCenter in your photo.)
  7. Click “Share” to make it live!

A group of people wearing masks with their fists raised in the air.

A group of people wearing masks with their fists raised in the air.

Instagram Post 1

The tobacco industry targets California’s African American, Latino, Asian American, Native Hawaiian, Pacific Islander, LGBTQ+, Tribal and rural communities, resulting in higher rates of commercial tobacco product use and tobacco-related disease. Does this sound like health justice? If you don’t think so, join us in raising your voice for health justice! #VoicesAgainstTobacco #VoicesForHealthJustice

Convenience store shelves stocked with cigarettes. Copyright 2018 California Department of Public Health

Convenience store shelves stocked with cigarettes. Copyright 2018 California Department of Public Health

Instagram Post 2

The tobacco industry has continued to aggressively market its dangerous products to marginalized communities during the COVID-19 pandemic, on social media, in print, and at the retail counter. We will not stand for it. Join CA communities in the fight for health justice. #VoicesAgainstTobacco #VoicesForHealthJustice