Legislative Caucus Social Media

During Event Messaging

During the event we will rally together to create momentum for our movement using the #VoicesAgainstTobacco and #VoicesforHealthJustice hashtags.

  • A virtual social media wall will be live on our website here displaying messages from any public social media accounts using the #VoicesAgainstTobacco and #VoicesforHealthJustice hashtags.
  • Monitoring the event hashtag and engaging in conversation with other accounts will show solidarity, community, and amplify our voices.
  • Below are pre-created messages that you can share but we strongly encourage all participants to engage during the event by posting their own updates, interesting facts learned during the event, photos, and by retweeting others.
  • Social media blitz times: We are going to create a storm on social media by all posting together at a few times each day!
    • April 12 (Day 1) – Post at 7:20 PM
    • April 13 (Day 2) – Post at 10:30 AM & 3:45 PM
    • April 14 (Day 3) – Post at 9 AM, 10:30 AM, 3:45 PM

These messages were created by the State-Wide Coordinating Centers.

To use these social media messages:
You can use the images we’ve provided (to download, right click the image, and select “Save image as”), or you can pick your own image.

Make sure to include the #VoicesAgainstTobacco and #VoicesForHealthJustice hashtags so we can interact with your posts.

Images are provided below.

Tobacco & Social Justice
Message 1
Big tobacco’s targeting of the Black community is a social justice issue. Enough is enough– let’s make a change today. #VoicesAgainstTobacco #amplifyourlove

Message 2
Lower income neighborhoods typically have more tobacco retailers near schools in comparison to other neighborhoods. #VoicesAgainstTobacco #amplifyourlove

Message 3
Each year 45,000 Black lives are lost due to tobacco related illnesses. #VoicesAgainstTobacco #amplifyourlove

Message 1
Flavors may make tobacco taste better, but the chemicals they contain are still toxic. #VoicesAgainstTobacco #amplifyourlove

Message 2
Smoking and vaping with flavors does not make you look cool. #VoicesAgainstTobacco #amplifyourlove

Message 3
Studies show that 81% of youth began their habit with a flavored product. #VoicesAgainstTobacco #amplifyourlove

Tobacco & COVID
Message 1
Those that smoke have a higher risk of developing COVID-19. #VoicesAgainstTobacco #amplifyourlove

Message 2
Smoking and COVID-19 are a dangerous combination. #VoicesAgainstTobacco #amplifyourlove

Message 3
Breathe easier, quit smoking. #VoicesAgainstTobacco #amplifyourlove

African American woman in jean jacket with blurred protest in background African American man looking to right with brick wall behind

African American woman with painted arm reading “warrior” with blurred protest in background African American man with fist in air with blurred protest in background

To use these social media messages:
You can use the images we’ve provided (to download, right click the image, and select “Save image as”).

Make sure to include the #VoicesAgainstTobacco and #VoicesForHealthJustice hashtags so we can interact with your posts.

In California, approximately 45% of latinos live in apartments.Message 1
¿Sabía usted que casi la mayoría de los inquilinos en California son Latinos? Desafortunadamente, muchos de ellos viven en apartamentos donde se permite fumar y vapear productos de tabaco. Esto pone en peligro a los inquilinos ya que el humo de segunda y tercera mano puede dañar la salud y causar enfermedades como el asma, la diabetes y ciertos tipos de cáncer. Hable con su departamento de salud para aprender cómo mantener su vivienda libre del humo de tabaco. ¡Juntos podemos crear pólizas que protege nuestra comunidad del humo de segunda y tercera mano!

Latinos Support Smokefree MUHMessage 2
¿Sabía usted que el humo de segunda mano puede aumentar el riesgo de enfermedades como el asma, la diabetes, y ciertos tipos de cáncer? Por eso, la mayoría de los inquilinos Latinos prefieren viviendas libres de humo. Desafortunadamente, muchas comunidades no tienen pólizas donde se prohíbe el uso del tabaco y cigarrillos electrónicos. Hable con su departamento de salud para aprender cómo mantener su vivienda libre del humo de tabaco. ¡Juntos podemos crear pólizas que protege nuestra comunidad del humo de segunda y tercera mano!

Thirdhand SmokeMessage 3
¿Sabía usted que las partículas de humo del tabaco pueden permanecer en la superficie como las paredes, cortinas y carpetas? Estas partículas son conocidas como el humo de tercera mano y puede permanecer en las superficies durante mucho tiempo, de meses hasta años. Uno puede absorber las partículas a través de la piel al tocar superficies contaminadas absorción a través de la piel que aumenta el riesgo de problemas de salud. Hable con su departamento de salud para aprender cómo mantener su vivienda libre del humo de tabaco. ¡Juntos podemos crear pólizas que protege nuestra comunidad del humo de segunda y tercera mano!

Smokefree Laws Protect All TenantsMessage 4
Hable con su departamento de salud pública para aprender cómo mantener su vivienda libre del humo de tabaco. ¡Juntos podemos crear pólizas que protege nuestra comunidad del humo de segunda y tercera mano!

The Tobacco industry uses popular flavors to attract young people.Message 5
La industria del tabaco bloqueó la ley que hubiera acabado con la venta de productos de tabaco de sabores y mentolados en California. Por lo tanto, la industria va a continuar sus esfuerzos para atraer a los jóvenes Latinos con productos de tabaco de sabores como horchata, tres leches y churros. Únase con su comunidad y presta su voz para luchar en contra la industria del tabaco.

Smoking Rate Among LatinosMessage 6
¿Sabía que aproximadamente 1 millón de Latinos fuman? Esto es el resultado de años de promoción agresiva de parte de la industria del tabaco hacia las comunidades Latina. La industria sigue promoviendo sus productos peligros aun durante la pandemia. ¡Únase a nosotros para proteger nuestras comunidades de la industria del tabaco!

To use these social media messages:
You can use the images we’ve provided (to download, right click the image, and select “Save image as”), or you can pick your own image.

Make sure to include the #VoicesAgainstTobacco and #VoicesForHealthJustice hashtags so we can interact with your posts.

Cigarette butts in sand being scooped up with sand toysMessage 1
Raise your voice against Big Tobacco that is actively trashing our environment and homes. Tobacco litter pollutes by releasing chemicals including arsenic and lead.

#VoicesAgainstTobacco #VoicesForHealthJustice

Cigarette butts in sand at beachMessage 2
Your environment needs you to raise your voice against Big Tobacco: our precious aquatic ecosystems are littered with cigarette butts and polluted with deadly chemicals including.

#VoicesAgainstTobacco #VoicesForHealthJustice

To use these social media messages:
You can use the images we’ve provided (to download, right click the image, and select “Save image as”), or you can pick your own image.

Make sure to include the #VoicesAgainstTobacco and #VoicesForHealthJustice hashtags so we can interact with your posts.

Group of women of different races with hands on shoulders posing for cameraMessage 1
Big Tobacco has been targeting women for nearly a century. As a result, more than 200,000 women die each year in the U.S. as a result of smoking-related diseases. This needs to stop now!

#VoicesAgainstTobacco #VoicesForHealthJustice

Picture of woman overlooking hills making a heart with handsMessage 2
Women who smoke have a 25% greater risk of developing coronary heart disease compared with men who smoke. Raise your voice against the tobacco products and marketing that are breaking our communities’ and families’ hearts! 💔

#VoicesAgainstTobacco #VoicesForHealthJustice

To use these social media messages:
You can use the images we’ve provided (to download, right click the image, and select “Save image as”), or you can pick your own image.

Make sure to include the #VoicesAgainstTobacco and #VoicesForHealthJustice hashtags so we can interact with your posts.

Message 1
Family in field, sunsetDue to decades of targeting by the tobacco industry, rural communities deal with tobacco disparity in several ways:

  1. High tobacco use
  2. Exposure to second-hand smoke
  3. Lack of smoke-free policies
  4. Lower tobacco taxes

This harmful combination leads to higher rates of preventable disease, disability, and mortality among rural communities.

All people deserve to live healthy lives free from predatory practices of the tobacco industry. Health justice for rural individuals means we listen to them, bring them to the table and work together for wellness for all.

Find out more from this recently published study: https://hubs.la/H0Hb97Z0

#VoicesAgainstTobacco #VoicesForHealthJustice

Message 2
Father and son, sunset, farm animalsWhy are smoking rates higher in rural areas? A big reason is because the tobacco industry targets these communities, from lobbying for tobacco-friendly legislation to reducing the cost of tobacco products in these areas.

This comes at a cost to the communities. People living in rural areas have 18 to 20 percent higher rates of lung cancer.

People in rural areas deserve health justice. They need to be listened to and partnered with to deliver health and wellness to these communities.

Find out more about these regional tobacco disparities: https://hubs.la/H0DNTGf0

VoicesAgainstTobacco #VoicesForHealthJustice

Message 3
Sting free snuffBecause dozens of no-smoking laws have been implemented throughout the state of California, Big Tobacco has found other ways to market its products. In recent years, there’s been a massive increase in smokeless tobacco products. This is concerning because the use of smokeless tobacco is much higher in rural areas than in non-rural areas.

People in rural areas deserve to live healthy lives. It’s time to listen to our rural community members, bring them to the table, and work together to fight back against the Tobacco Industry’s predatory practices.

Find out how the tobacco industry is marketing these products to your communities: https://hubs.la/H0CH9Q00